"If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things."
-Joseph Smith, 13th Article of Faith

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up."
-Pablo Picasso

Friday, May 25, 2012

I am the Owl Lady

Owls haven't been my favorite thing for very long. I grew up like every other American girl, fantasizing about horses. But around my junior high and high school years that devotion began to lift and I started drawing more things than Arabians and Friesians. Then in my second year of college I took a class called "Color Theory." Our teacher asked us to choose a theme and design our work around that theme so that we would have a unified portfolio by the end of the class. I'm still not sure what made me choose owls but I did and so, in that class, I became known as "The Owl Lady." Then that same semester, I chose to draw an owl-lady for my metamorphosis in my Drawing 2 class, and because I had one friend in both classes, the title was expanded from one class to two. And then I just became engrossed.

Let me just say one thing, however: I loved owls long before the owl craze began.

So now friends and family give me all sorts of owl paraphernalia (ie. necklaces, blankets, cups, towels, books, etc.). And I love every second of it.

My bedroom. Can you count all the owls?

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